Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hello, World, I Am A Mom

A new mom, to be exact. I think that requires capital letters. A New Mom. A Mom with a daughter who is 11 weeks old and is mostly sunshine with a little poop thrown in. A Mom who has an amazing husband who is not afraid of said poop, who is an amazing dad to our little one.

What will I write about? This is my first post, and I have one follower, and that is me. Because I'm weird about showing anyone what I write, I will most likely not even tell my husband or friends that I've started this blog until I decide I'm going to stick with it, and until I think that maybe it's not ridiculous. Why am I starting it? Why not? If I don't get a single reader, that's fine with me. It's a way to record my experiences as a mom, as a wife, as a woman. Most times, I will write about the whole motherhood thing, but other times, I might write about how I hate that cereal does not have resealable bags (Seriously, cereal companies? It's 2011, get with the times).

So who am I? I'm a 32 year old New Mom. I have a day job working for the government as a lowly secretary, though I am currently on maternity leave until next year. I adore photography, and am sometimes good at it. I am enjoying this whole Mom business and like to think I'm getting better at it. I have not yet gotten poop on my chin, and my daughter smiles like all is right in her world, and that's okay with me. I am not a mom who is going to know how to successfully clean the house, whip up a fancy dinner all while having a baby attached to my boob. That's not me. I am going to get up with my daughter at 5-6am, whenever she feels like waking, feed her from a bottle, and pray she'll go back to sleep (which she usually does, Hallelujah) because I'm not ready to start my day. Sometimes I'm going to decide that we are having hot dogs for supper, and instead of folding the laundry, I'm going to pile it on the pool/ping pong table that has become our laundry table because I want to watch the Golden Girls while baby sleeps. She is most likely have a face with caked on food when she's old enough to eat food, and more likely than not, her clothes will have stains on them because I did not Pre-Treat. But sometimes, she'll be squeaky clean because today I have gotten my shit together. I am going to stay up too late then complain that I am tired the next day, and still go go bed late the next night. I'm going to wear my pjs all day and skip a shower. I'm going to wear my hair in a ponytail, and take my daughter to Walmart and try to carry her in her carrier without looking as awkward as I think I look and pretend I know what I'm doing. I'll be wearing the jeans I wore two days ago that have not yet been washed.

But I will love my daughter like nobody's business. I will do my best to raise her right, and be as good a wife as my husband is as good a husband. I will do my best to make her happy and let her know she is loved. Because that's what's important.

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